Falcon T5 installation
(10-25-06) I thought I'd update this page with some more info.
This is the Econoline small bell with the early toploader pattern and three bolt starter. These oddball bells are about 3/4 of an inch shorter than the regular bells. While not common, these bells show up from time to time on eBay. This bell fits all 144, 170, and pre- '66 200 blocks. It also can fit the '66+ dual pattern 200 blocks if you are upgrading and already have the small bell setup. This bell, plus the adapter plate, spaces the T5 transmission the correct distance from the engine.
Part and date numbers.
Below is the adapter plate. Note the machined lip that locates the adapter hole to the bell hole. This is the side that faces the bell. This plate is a GM Muncie to top loader adapter. Leftovers from old hotrod projects...
Since I'm using GM case T5s this is the correct (for me) plate
Plate during test fitting. The tapered countersinks were later bored out to flat countersinks, as 7/16" flat head - socket grade 8 cap screws aren't a home depot item (ha ha). This combo allowed me to bolt a stock Chevy S10 T5 transmission to the econoline bell. There are both "world class" (gears ride on needle bearings) and "non-world class" (gears ride directly on the main shaft) S10 T5s. There are a lot of other changes along the way in the T5's development, but the needle bearings are the dividing line between NWC and WC. WC use ATF only, NWC use gear oil. I've had both WC and NWC in the Squire and I couldn't tell the difference when shifting. Both versions are great transmissions.
Below is the 8 1/2" flywheel with the interfering face milled away. The jeep clutch disk springs are larger than the stock unit, and interference with the flywheel had to be relieved. Oil/gunk drainage "spin out" holes were drilled before installation at the edge of the new step. You can see one of the old holes at one o'clock in this pic, next to the flywheel bolt hole.
These are the new (left) and old (right) clutch plates, flywheel side up. They are the same size, camera parallax is messing with me here. The new clutch was originally for a 1985 Jeep Cherokee with a 2.1 liter diesel engine (NAPA part number RCF1019). Note the above mentioned diameter of the spring hub on the new clutch plate vs. the old plate. Also note the 14X1 spline count matching the Chevy S-10 T5 transmission input shaft.
Two other issues popped up at this point.
First was the pilot bushing. I couldn't find a pilot bushing that was the correct inside and outside diameter. I checked over all the commonly avialable pilot bushings in an old time parts book and found one with the correct inner diameter and a larger outer diameter. I bought three (just in case) and had the bushings turned down, pretty cheap.
The other issue is the throwout bearing. GM T5s have a different outer diameter on the bearing retainer shaft than Ford. The good thing is that they interchange. This is a good thing to do in any event, as the stock alloy bearing retainer shaft is usually galled or worn out. I already had a steel GM shaft so I modified the throwout bearing instead. I copied the "U" plate on Ford TO bearings and tacked it to the back of the S10 TO bearing. I was very worried about messing up the bearing guts with the heat so I was careful and cooled the TO bearing between tacks. Then I mounted the fork spring to the "U" plate and had a hybrid TO bearing, it works great. I'd swap bearing retainer shafts, GM --> Ford, if I was doing it all again. Also, go ahead and replace the tailshaft bushing while you have the transmission out of the car, trust me.
This is the location of the shifter in relation to the seats when using the S10 tailhousing. The S-10 tailhousing will fit on any T5, GM or Ford, just make sure you use the right tailshaft bushing, as Ford and GM slip yokes have slightly different OD sizes. The slip yoke may fit with the wrong bushing, but you will have driveline vibration. More about THAT issue on the Maverick 4 lug 8" rear page.
The S-10 tailhousing locates the shifter well forward of the tunnel brace, a great location for bench seats, or if you have a console. I bought a Hurst quick shifter for S10, it made a HUGE difference in shifter throw. Shifts are precise and positive compared to the stock (with a modified stick) S10 shifter. It also has shifter stops to prevent overshifting. The S10 T5s have two 1st gear ratios, 4.03 and 3.76. The 3.76 works great with the I6 engines and a 3.0 rear. It wasn't bad with the 3.50 rear either.