1963 Galaxie Wagon
My brother-in-law Jeff came down last week and forbade me from contemplating a dry sump system for the Alfa/Rover project (but, but...). He is a senior-master Ford mechanic by trade, and a race car mechanic as a hobby. When he has spare time he is hot-rodding a 1963 Galaxie Ranch Wagon. So far, it has a 472 c.i.d. motor (+.060" 460 block), backed up with a modified C-6.
A big custom radiator was installed a few inches forward of stock.
The jelly jar master cylinder pictured is now gone and a twin master cylinder/balance bar is doing the job with the four wheel discs.
This engine is backed up by a C6 with the Top ribs ground off for tunnel clearance. Jeff says "That's six hours of my life I'll never get back." Every bit of suspension and drivetran is new on the car.
More 63 Galaxie wagon pics:
Galaxie fan and radiator.
Twin master cylinder.
Twin master cylinder.
Front quarter view, painted, ready for bumpers and trim.
From the rear quarter.
Shortly after these pics were taken the car was wiped out. Damage to the drivers side looked pretty bad, but is repairable.