Cool Skippy Suit

The Tyvek skippy-suits have been a success at keeping most of the fiberglass off of me during the J5 tear-down. But they are extremely hot to wear. I think I lost fifteen pounds in sweat in about five hours the first day I wore one. Still, that's better than fiberglass itch for three days.

A buddy suggested, probably half in jest, that I hook up an air conditioner or a big fan, to the skippy suit via dryer hose.


The A/C unit I used is a small 5000btu unit, really too small to be useful for anything other than a small room. About twenty minutes of work with a utility knife, some foil tape, and a four inch vent thing, netted me a plenum. The unit blows very cold air, a few minutes after I turned it on, condensation was running off the metal part.


I hooked up one end of twenty-five feet of dryer hose to the plenum, and ran the other end to a hole I cut in the skippy-suit. I bent the end of the hose's wire wrap into a hook and looped in over my belt inside the suit.

When I turned the A/C unit on, the suit filled up with nice cold air. The air exited the suit out the collar, mostly, with some going out the sleeve cuffs and ankle cuffs. The suit ballooned up like during the breathability test, so I'm going to have to belt it down to work with it on.


Couple 3D shots.

cool suit

cool suit

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